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Desert Art Vibe

Meditative Zen Print - Desert Vibe Series

Meditative Zen Print - Desert Vibe Series

Regular price $30.00 USD
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The desert’s beauty captivates and draws you in. Wandering its hidden trails, you become immersed in its serenity, feeling a profound connection to the earth. It’s a meditative experience, offering a sense of peace and harmony with the natural world.

My son kept telling my wife that he loves my new style and wished he could have one. After my wife relaid the message every time he mentioned it, I finally got the hint.

Started another painting for him before this one, but it didn’t feel like his personality. He’s adventurous, edgy, thrill seeker and currently into mountain biking.

He loves talking about his mountain biking rides. So I wanted something with a trail and transitioning from a basic ride into a ride when all the weight of the world disappears and the feeling of being in the zone sets in.

Two weeks ago while sketching it out my ideas of this piece, I went into the zone, that felt like a meditative zen. It also felt like the perfect name for the feeling I wanted to convey for this painting.

It ended up being a time crunch to get it done in time, still had a lot to do the morning of the 24th. It’s been a long time since I’ve stayed up most the night of Christmas Eve putting together a present for my child. It was all worth it, because my son ended up loving his Christmas gift.

The original piece of artwork was done with acrylic paint

This print has a luster finish and it'll add a touch of sophistication to any room.

This is a open print edition, meaning unlimited prints are available.
All copyrights are reserved by Wil Adams of Desert Art Vibe.

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